Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sleep now!

Hi Everybody,

Sorry to get into the mix so late. I just got back to LA from Russia on Monday night and, after not having seen a bed for 48 hours, I had to get some rest before turning around and heading east tomorrow morning to face the storm at the barn. When out in the field I immerse myself completely in whatever I'm shooting and try to avoid dealing with anything unrelated to the assignment. Therefore, I left all the prep work for David and Guy - thanks to both of you.

I am very exited to be back at the workshop after 17 years and I really look forward to meeting you all. My advice:
Better get some rest now...


1 comment:

Aga Luczakowska said...

Thank you for all your help Gerd... i am very impressed you give us your time. I already know that our all team appreciate it a lot!