Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lend a pair of eyes?

Hey all,

I'm not sure if people are checking this page or not but I'm in the process of editing a portfolio with my agency for travel and editorial clients. I'm wondering if anyone would care to take a look, rate and comment on the images. I'd love to get some input from people I don't know all that well. Please send me an email at and I'll send you and invite to view the light box.



Btw... This is Earl, he's a part of a project I've been working on up here in the Pacific Northwest.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is gonna be a lot of fun!

I'm enjoying everyone's images so far. Can't wait to meet ya in October.


Hello from Austin, Texas

Hi everybody, the Navy team is looking good!

I'm going into my second year at the University of Texas' photojournalism graduate program. This summer has been an interesting one--I got married and went on our honeymoon in Greece!

Attached is a picture of a short story I worked on in Austin about a former gang member who is tattooing underground.

I am really looking forward to meeting you all and finding out what this Barnstorm is all about.

See you soon!


Sunday, August 19, 2007


Hi everyone--

I'm Beth and I freelance in Chicago. I just returned from the Truth with a Camera workshop in Norfolk, VA and had a great time. There is some good work on the site this year and if you have time, check it out: This image is from the story I completed at the workshop. The story is about a group of Bulgarian students who come to Virginia Beach every year to work on the fishing boats. They return home after the season is over.

I'm excited to be on the Navy team and I can't wait to meet all of you person this fall. I hope you all enjoy the last few weeks of summer.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello all,

Guy here. I will help produce our team.


Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hello Everyone,

It is nice to meet all of you...Blog Style.

My name is Justin Bowen. I am from Utah and recently graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography. The last three years have been crazy; I have traveled and photographed in 13 different countries, started and finished my college degree, had 2 babies (actually my wife had one, we adopted one and we already had a 3 1/2 year old...ya, I know....KOO KOO), and moved 5 times. Life is nuts but I am excited to be a part of Eddie Adams with all of you. Right now I am back in Utah doing freelance projects that range any where from Swimsuit shoots and the companies design to doing multimedia projects for slot machine makers. I hope all is well and life is grand.

My passion is Travel/culture photography, but my foot is in many doors. Here is a recent image of an old barn I ran into in Northern Utah.

Keep in Touch.


Justin M. Bowen

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Greetings From Michigan

Hey, its great to meet all of you--virtually. I'm a fifth year senior photography major and just got back from an archaeological dig in the Hashamite Kingdom of Jordan. Highly recommended. If you are interested, here are a few images I took during a side trip to Petra.

Ive been to a lot of countries, but I have to say that Jordanians are some of warmest, most hospitable folk I've met.

The images are pretty self explanatory except for the shot of the girl, a Beduin, whose family invited my friends and I for tea inside their humble, goat-skin tent.

Greetings and Salutations

Hello Everyone,

Its great to be Navy! It will be great to meet all of you in person come October but for now I'll leave you with a dyptich from a project on exotic dancers I've been working on in Portland for the last year or so. Hope everyone is having a fabulous August!



hello! from far.. far... Poland :-)

Hello everybody!

My full name is Agnieszka Ɓuczakowska, but it's almost impossible to pronounce it for people from abroad, so i use short version - Aga :-)
I was born in Poland, in 1981 - few months before matrial law.
I grow up in "grey" country, looking at colorfull images in magazines from "west"... i think it's beggining of my love to photography.... although I started to take pictures much later, in 2004.
In 2005 I finished a graduate master’s degree in geographic studies at the faculty of earth sciences and next year I started to work as a staff photographer in Polish daily newspaper. Since beggining of 2007 – I am freelance photographer and I try to share my life between Poland and Turkey. I am interested in cultural and religious diversity and... I love husky dogs :-)

Here is one of my pictures - taken in one of the most impoverished area in Silesia Region (Lipiny in Swietochlowice) in Poland, few minutes before Corpus Christi procession.

profile on lightstalkers
my blog
my website


Go Navy

Hello everyone.

Garrett, thank you for setting the blog up. Everyone should feel free to do an introduction to each other, add links to your work, or upload a photo or two of what you might be shooting right now.

Although I am now a manager, I started my career as a newspaper photographer and continue to shoot personally when I can. Mostly just family and travel. I've worked digitally for the last few years, but must admit that I still prefer using a rangefinder and film. Here's something I shot last week when I was in NYC during a huge rainstorm that rolled through before day break.


Welcome everyone!

Hello everyone! I really look forward to meeting you all. I hope this format works okay for everyone. If not we can abandon this blog for some other format.

I've already seen a lecture by Gerd and I learned so much about color and light from his work. I am very excited to learn from David, Guy, and everyone else.

I know we all are very busy, so hopefully this blog will not be "another task" on top of your schedule. No pressure to be blogger-of-the-year friends! It will hopefully be a way to stay connected and get to know each other. In that spirit, I'm going to try and set the tone with this seriously horrific image of animal cruelty.

The horse told me he was humiliated and traumatized by the bow on his head. Granted the horse spoke Spanish (it was in The Dominican Republic after all) and I needed translation help with the word humiliated. Every story has to be told.

