Friday, September 28, 2007

One week to go...

Navy Team:

I hope everyone is getting psyched for next week.

I have been on the phone with Gerd Ludwig, your team captain, and he is really looking forward to this. He's been on assignment for the Geographic in Russia and will just be getting back to the states to join us for the EAW. If you do not know Gerd's work, check out his website at

Guy is (or just was) up in NY scouting out potential assignments for everyone. More on that when we gather next Friday.

Last year was my first time at EAW and I was not prepared for the shear intensity and long hours that this requires. (Of course, I'm an old fart and staying up to 2 am looking at photos was something I haven't done since, well gee, I guess it was a few weeks ago. But never three nights in a row!) My advice is to get plenty of rest and, if you are so inclined, exercise so you are at the top of your game. Then you can enjoy the moments when you get some down time to mingle (rather than sleep under trees, like I was always sneaking off to do).

See you at the Barn.

Go Navy!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am a blogging newbie

Hi everyone, I am looking forward to meeting you all and I can't wait for the workshop to start!

I will be coming from Calgary, Alberta (also affectionately known as 'Cow-Town') , and will be taking the bus from Manhattan. So, if any of you get on the bus before me, save me a seat!


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Workshop Schedule question

Does anyone know when we will be finished on Monday? I am trying to figure out if I can make it back to DC for a job Tuesday 10 a.m.

maybe I will be too exhausted to shoot the video even if I could make it back...

just before EAW

Hello everybody :-)

I am curious if some of you will take a ride by bus from Midtown Manhattan? I will :-)

It's less than 3 weeks to see all of you :-)
I am trying to prepare portfolio... and i have to say that it's more complicated than shooting :-)
Incredible hard work ;-)

See you in NY! :-)

Istanbul, Turkey photo: Aga Luczakowska

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hello from Canada

Hey – I think i'm pretty late in the game to be introducing myself. But better late then never.
My name is Ed Ou. I'm from Vancouver, Canda. But I go to school in Los Angeles.

I recently got back from a stint with the wire world in East Africa and the Middle East. It's bizzare being back,
but I'm excited to meet other photojournalists, because I think I'm kind of going insane in school.

- Ed